Can I be a ‘real’ Christian and work a 9-5?

More and more I’ve been talking to women who are pursing God, but wonder what it means for their career and their current jobs. I talked to a dear friend of mine and she shared that she’s in a season where God is challenging her, she’s hungering for the Word, but she doesn’t know what her purpose in corporate America is. She wondered if God could really use her in the present season to reach the lives of others. She wondered if working a 9-5 meant that she wasn’t living her life completely submitted to the will of God. We talked about the fact that bills still need to be paid, and that she actually enjoyed her job. Ultimately I encouraged her that she was right where God intended her to be, and that’s what I want to encourage you with!

Let’s start with this fact: Everyone is not called to be on the pulpit. As social media pastors and the new generation of ministers rise up, it’s easy to believe that because you have an Instagram and love Jesus, that God’s will is for you to be a social media pastor as well.

Let’s address that misconception.

Matthew 28:19

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” NIV

Matthew 28:19 is called the great commission because it’s what the word of God tasks us to do. We are to make disciples of ALL nations. But notice that verse doesn’t say anything about your profession.

It doesn’t say you have to be a Pastor, Sunday School teacher,  or Professional Evangelist. It simply says ‘make disciples’ and teach them to obey everything I’ve commanded you.’

Here’s the truth saints, disciples can be made ANYWHERE, and even more….God needs people in every sphere of influence so the Gospel can spread everywhere.

God gives favor in corperate settings and in the religious world. Jesus gives favor in politics and with nonprofits. God is not limited to the four walls of the church and neither is his commandment to make disciples.

Sis, God needs you to work a 9-5 because the people at your job desperately need an example of Jesus.

Sis, God needs you in politics and law because the policies of our government desperately need restructuring.

Christians should be in every sector of the world because we are called to lead and be examples in every sector of the world. Matthew 5:16 says 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Note that the verse doesn’t say ‘before some men’. That’s a hint to you and me that the gospel is for everybody, and for every business sector.

So the moral of the story my dear friend is that you’re still getting this Christian thing right if you’re working a corporate job, you can still be a minister of the Gospel because your life is the Gospel.

Strive to be the example of righteousness where you’re at because it draws men unto your savior JESUS. And trust me, they need it.

Jesus & I love yall,

  • IF you haven't already, follow my passion project @biblesplusbrunch on Instagram. BiblesplusBrunch is an intimate gathering of intentional women. The goal is to feed your soul and body. Over brunch we discuss what God has called you to do it, and equip each other with the resources to achieve and live sold out lives for Jesus. There's a big announcement coming: November 23rd! Make sure you're following for the update.
  • My latest IGTV video series is up. I'm talking about Goal setting , and how to make sure you accomplish your God given purpose. Watch it here!