The unexpected blessings in life

This is more a diary entry than a blog post, but hey, that's the beauty of having your own platform to share and express write whatever you want.

This past weekend, I went to New York to visit my father. To be completely honest, I pretty much dreaded the trip for various reasons. My father and I were very close as a child, I was most definitely a daddy's girl. As I've grown up our relationship has changed.

Now I don't call him as often as I used to, and we can go months without speaking. I hold no ill will towards my dad, but things just aren't the same. I look at other women who have a close relationship with the father figures in their life, and a twinge of envy sometimes stabs at me.I've gotten better at understanding this emotion, and working it out with Jesus.

So basically up until the trip, I dreaded it. I didn't necessarily want to face the one on one conversations. I just knew that I knew that it would be incessant talk pressuring me to pursue medical school.

Ultimately, the whole experience was nothing like I  expected. A lot of my weekend I spent exploring the inside of my mind, learning new things about myself, and the other half I spent really seeing a different side of my father. I think at certain stage in your parents life, there's such a strong urge to impart. I learned things about my daddy I never knew. I saw myself in him, and I gained perspective on his struggles. We talked about God, we talked about success, we talked about was so strange, and so out of my comfort zone. I believe I will always treasure this weekend in retrospect. I visibly felt and saw my father's love for me for the first time in years. As a was really nice.

Ultimately the experience was cathartic, an honestly unexpected blessing. I hope ya'll had a blessed labor day weekend and enjoyed valuable time with your loved ones.

All my love,
live at the Apollo. Shout out to my camera man: Daddy

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