2018: Thank U, Next

In the Cuban Streets - October 2018

To be honest, 2018 was an amazing year for me. I started the organization: BiblesPlusBrunch, to encourage and equip women to live intentional and purposeful lives. I traveled to 6 countries, and got engaged to the man of my prayers. I saw my friends get into grad school, start careers and organizations, get into relationships with amazing men and even get engaged!
But as amazing as 2018 was, I also learned so many though lessons, questioned the spirit of God, battled crippling doubt and unbelief, struggled financially, spiritually, emotionally and relationally and considered 50 million ways to quit it all(life included).
Yes, all of this, same year.

 And if you're human, I’m sure you can relate to the bittersweet year that was 2018.

Do I believe 2019 will be any different? Absolutely.
But not because life won’t have its ups and downs, but because each year I exist is a confirmation that God’s plan for my life is still in full effect and I can trust him to bring it to completion.

In the meantime, I took the liberty of writing the 3 biggest lessons I learned in 2018.

The absence of God’s voice does not mean the absence of God’s presence.
I struggled to hear the voice of God in 2018. I mean I really struggled. And it always felt like when I needed Him most was when He was the most silent and unwilling to speak.
I remember right before the second Biblesplusbrunch event, I was desperately searching for an internship after being fired from my pervious one (long story). My bank account was dwindling, my relationship was rocky and God was unbelievably silent.
Yet he spoke enough to tell me to host another brunch. Where was the money going to come from Lord? Who were the women who would show up? How was this whole thing supposed to even happen?
On the Wednesday night before the brunch I was still trying to put together the pieces, wondering how I would fund this event and pay rent. So what did I do during worship at church? I cried, I sobbed so desperately that I’m sure heaven was shook. I could do nothing else but weep because my God refused to hear my prayers, or so I thought.
But yet he was there. Miracles of miracles, my mother blessed me with some money, an amount I hadn’t even asked for, more than I could have imagined, but so timely.
So there was God, silent through the struggle, but never absent and always on time with the miracle.
Doubt exists to be overcome by Faith. It is the one battle you’re equipped to always win.
I don’t have a long, beautiful anecdotal story to illustrate this lesson. My entire 2018 was filled with doubt. I doubted my abilities, my discernment, my worthiness, my future. You name it, I questioned it.
And I’d love to say I’ve overcome doubt, but that would be a lie. It creeps in still, especially when I feel deficient, when God seems silent or when the task seems monumental.
The rainbow in the storm? Everytime my doubt has emerged, God’s grace has been sufficient and He' given me the measure of faith I need to overcome every obstacle. So as long as God is still God, I will always win the battle against doubt, and for that I’m grateful.
You have plans, but God’s plans are always better.
In my internship struggles, I went from I want to make XX an hour to I’ll take $8.56 Lord, just give me a job. I went from I want to work part time to I’ll work any shift except Sunday.
I was willing to settle because my plans changed as my circumstances did. But God’s plan are consistent. So when I was ready to settle, He never did.
I ended getting hired in my current position, and I honestly feel underqualified. I’m grateful for God’s faithfulness, and I’m glad my plans didn’t work out.

For some of you, 2018 was the hell year, and for others, a season of manifestation. I pray that in 2019, you remember the lessons that God taught you, you grow better, not bitter and you advance towards His plans for your life.
Remember that the fact that you’re still here means God’s not done with you yet.
All my love,


  • IF you haven't already, follow my passion project @biblesplusbrunch on Instagram. BiblesplusBrunch is an intimate gathering of intentional women. The goal is to feed your soul + body. Over brunch we discuss what God has called you to do it, and equip each other with the resources to achieve and live sold out lives for Jesus.
  • Guess What??! BiblesplusBrunch is hosting it's first conference #SheACTS2019: A gathering of intentional women. Karolyne Roberts will be our special guest. There will be prophetic worship, an amazing word and anointed atmosphere. Get your ticket Here before they run out. You won't want to miss this.