My first missions trip was at the age of 15. I went to Hollywood, California. I went with my church at the time. The trip was less than $1000 dollars and it was a brand new experience for my teenage brain. As an immigrant, I knew that it was necessary to have a global gospel because my relationship with Christ is a direct result of a missionary.
I also knew I wasn't called to be a full time missionary,
but I wanted to spread the gospel even at that young age. So I ventured out with my church group,
we were a bunch of teenagers with Jesus on the brain, and a desire to make an impact in the world.
That's all God required.
Just arrived in Haiti, May 2015 |
Often times people think that they have to be at a perfect place in their lives before choosing to spread the gospel.
Or they think that a missions trip has to be to to an international destination.
Both of those assumptions are myths.
James 1:27 says "27 Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."
This verse in its simplest sense means that as long as our heart is to visit those in need, and we are actively pursuing purity, We're doing it right. We're doing the whole missions trip thing right.
When I went to Hollywood, California I had just gotten in trouble with my mom for having my first boyfriend (I know, the horror!). But I was also repentant for my actions and I believe the Lord honored that.
The coolest part of the whole experience was being in a live drama called 'Everything'. The drama essentially plays out the story of a woman who faces the demons of life: alcohol, lust, materialism and even suicide only to be rescued by Jesus in the end.
It was so moving to perform for people and to watch them wholeheartedly see the love God and ultimately for them to give their hearts to Christ.
I've been to Guatemala city, Guatemala Cape Haitian Haiti and Trinidad to date.
Exploring ancient ruins in cape Haitian |
Each missions trip has been a different experience, in some God used me to talk to people and in others he used people to talk to me.
I was out of my element for a week at a time, and I had to be radical about my faith. It was freeing to not be worried about what anyone thought of me, because I had a singular mission: to spread the gospel.
I know that my missions trips have helped me become as passionate about God as I am today. I've had practice being unashamed about Christ.
Performing the 'Everything' Drama with my mission mates at a Trinidadian church |
This year I'm excited to go to Cota, Colombia to preach the gospel and to be the hands and feet of Jesus. I'm excited to have a new appreciation for Christ and to meet people who will stir my faith.
If you're debating taking a missions trip or questioning why you should/need to, consider this:
'Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.'
Your decision to spread the word of God is the direct seed to someone's faith.
ultimately, it's not about YOU.
Remember that.
Some practical ways to get involved in missions:
- Check out your local church. Often churchs plan missions trips for different member groups (this usually depends on how large your church is)
- Search around for organizations that host missions trips that have a gospel centered message. I hesitate to recommend any because I've never used one. But I've heard great things about organizations like 'Go to Nations'
- Plan your own trip (this is probably the most daunting option, but worth the effort if done right.) If you're doing this, I'd love to help!
- Donate to a missionary, help someone else go if you can't. The beautiful thing about money is that it can go everywhere we can't!
My trip to Cota , Colombia will be with the Church of God denomination. The trip is a week long. While there we'll be helping with local orphanages, doing manual and agricultural work and of course evangelizing.
If you would like to contribute to the cause, feel free to donate to my trip Here
Remember, ultimately, it's not about you, nor me.
It's about someone who needs to hear the good news we have to share!
All my love,