Boss: a person in charge of a worker or organization
That the definition of the word boss according to
I think we all dream of being the one in charge of things at some point in our lives. Few people wake up saying "man, I can't wait to be a follower today." In our society, we value leaders, we admire those who have a following, we love 'role models' and we champion those in authority.
Ultimately we value the individuals that are in charge more than those that are underneath their authority.
We look at the CEO with awe, and the common worker with apathy.
In the same breath, we turn around and admonish the same people we admire. It's often said the fall from the top is the hardest of all. When our role models let us down, we are more disappointed than if the average person makes the same mistake.
why is that?
Because there is a price that you pay to lead.
I think of the bible when I truly dwell on the price of position. Like many of you, I want to be a woman of authority, I desire to be an influencer, not an influencee. But when the trials come, I'm the first one to question God "why?"
What people don't tell you about good leadership is that it will cost you the most.
Matthew 20:26 phrases it best:
"Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,"
God's call to leadership involves being the least of all in demeanor and in action. True leadership means you do what others won't and you do so with the best attitude. A leader that does not serve is a dictator without respect.
This generation is enamored with the glory, but often fails to see the grace. The grace of God is necessary for any man or woman called into a place of authority, whether it be in the church or in the world.Many like the idea of being the boss, but few are willing to pay the price. Everyone is not called to predefined position of leadership. In saying this, I still believe that as Christians, we are supposed to be influncers of our generations, and we are called to serve and lead the world.
So count the cost of the greatness, are you willing to be the one that does what others will not? Are you willing to humble your pride, and bite your tongue in certain situations? Are you okay with taking the blame even when it wasn't actually your fault? Most importantly are you willing to be the hands and feet of Jesus and seek the needs of others above yourself.
I'm always humbled when I look at the life of the apostle Paul who is heralded as one of the greatest leaders of the the christian church. Paul endured jail, slander, torture all for the sake of the cross. How much must we endure in order to bear the burden of leadership?
All my love,